Zen Creations Around the Web

Thursday, January 24, 2008

New banner, taking a break

I took a little break, needed some time to relax after the move and think about what pieces I wanted to work on next. I have a new necklace that I had started before the break, and I believe that I am ready to finish it and get to work on some of the other pieces that I've had rolling around my head during the break. It was nice to take a few days and relax, read a few books, spend time with my family, knit and enjoy an evening or two of just doing nothing in particular. Sometimes nights like that are necessary. Gives your brain a chance to take a break. I find that I need to do this from time to time, and I always come back with a long list of ideas and goals.

Last night I tried out Etsy's newest tool, the Bannerator. It's a new banner generator that Etsy came up with to help newbies and poeple who don't have much time to make a banner. Right now, there are only a few different designs to choose from, but I'm sure more will be added before the offical launch. I tried it out, since I was sick of my old banner, and decided on this one:

I added a few photos of my work in Photoshop. I've already come across several people with the same basic banner, minus the photos. I guess that could cause some problems with buyers, make things a little confusing, but for right now, I think it works for my shop until I have some time to create a new one.
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