Zen Creations Around the Web

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sidewalk Days - Day 2

Day 2 started out even better than day 1! There were a lot more people out and about this morning, and few new vendors. Today we decided to add to the business cards we were putting in our bags, and include an Etsy flyer and a flyer on our next event (Boonsboro Days).

The morning was very busy, and lunchtime was even busier. Around 2:00 it started to die down a little, which was also around the time the wind started picking up. Really picking up. On gust of wind knocked down a corner display and my rotating earring rack, sending everything out into the street. Thankfully, everything was ok, and we were able to get it set up again in a few minutes. After that, we took turns running out to hold things whenever the wind picked up. Sometime around 3:30 a huge gust of wind knocked over one of our table and nearly picked up the tent! We packed it in for the day shortly after that. As much as I would have liked to stay for the last hour and a half, I just couldn't risk having a whole table full of jewelry and display broken.

I guess we need to work out something to help hold the tent down (and the diplays) at outside events. We shouldn't have a problem at Boonsboro, since we will be in the grass, and we should have vendors on either side of us to help block the wind. In the end though, we did very well at this event, and plan on doing it again nect year.

1 comment:

Fish On The Wall said...

Zen- I usually take some empty milk jugs and duct tape with me to outdoor shows. If it seems like the wind is a problem- I fill up the jugs with water (most sites have a hose/or nearby stores will let you fill up) Then duct tape the handles to the bottom pf the tent legs. A gallon of water weighs 8 pounds- and is usually enough to stabilize in (mildly) windy days.