Zen Creations Around the Web

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Busy, busy, busy!

Boy oh boy has it been a busy couple of weeks! Between catching up on the work I missed (on vacation) at my day job, custom orders, my Etsy shop, home parties and a craft show, I've barely had time to sit down and relax for a minute. I'm not complaining though, I love being this busy, even if it mean sleeping a lot less for the next month or so!

This week I have a home party (wen. evening) and a craft show at my husband's work (thursday). The home party is the first of two parties that have been booked (so far - crossing my fingers for more)and I'm just about ready for it. I finished up the last of the pieces last night, got them all priced and tagged. Now I just need to look over my stock tonight, clean up anything that is tarnished and repack it in my trays. I also need to pack up my displays and checkout stuff, and get it all in the car for tomorrow night.

My Etsy shop will be missing quite a few items due to these events. I plan on having it restored as soon a possible, hopefully by later thursday evening. I can't wait until I have my stock built up enough that I can have a seperate set of items, or "online exclusives" for Etsy and only Etsy.

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