Zen Creations Around the Web

Friday, May 05, 2006

Getting organized, tagworld.com

I need to start getting myself organized and get moving on new pieces. I have made quite a few over the last couple of weeks, but I feel like I have fallen off track. I have a show coming up in July here in town, and if I want to have new pieces for it, I really need to get going.

Took some time today to photograph a few new pieces, and listed one of them in my Etsy shop. The earring turned out much better than I had hoped, and I was tempted to keep it for myself. It is made with a teardrop shaped piece of shell and freshwater pearl dangles. They are much lighter than they look and the layers in the shell are really beautiful when cut this way.

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I have really been into shell jewelry lately. It's not a material I would usually work with, but it has really inspired me over the last few months. I am trying to find and work with other materials and mix things up a bit.

Oh, and I took down most of my old geocities website this week. I've discovered tagworld.com, and I love the way you can customize your page. So, I set up a Zen Creations page on there instead.

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