Zen Creations Around the Web

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Creative block, Zombies and new jewelry

For the past month and a half I have been trying to break though the creative block that has rendered me unable to create anything new. Every day I would sit down at my work space, beads, wire and metal laid out in front of me, and nothing would happen. No inspiration, no flash of lightning, no "ah ha!" moments. I would sit there for 30 minutes to an hour, finally giving up and hoping that the next day would bring an answer. Finally, after a month and a half, the inspiration hit and I'm off and running with new ideas. Happy to be working on new pieces and looking forward to listing in both shops by the end of next week.

 In other news, my horror movie loving husband has been cast in a local horror movie! :) He will be playing one of the main zombies in the movie Zombie Girl Diary which will be shot in the Chambersburg, PA area. The movie stars Jim Krut, , aka the "helicopter zombie" from Romero's Dawn of the Dead. "It is a story about a mother and daughter fighting to survive throughout a zombie apocalypse. Along the way they encounter other survivors and come together to make their way through the crazy world, now turned upside down." Can't wait to see my husband as a zombie!!! Please visit and "like" the Zombie Girl Diary facebook page if you would like to know more about the movie.

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