Zen Creations Around the Web

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Getting organized

Whew!  A busy summer followed by an even busier fall has left my main workspace a mess!  For the first time in over a month, I have an entire weekend without anything in particular to do.  I sat down a little while ago to work on a few pieces and found that I couldn't because my workspace was such a mess.  A little over an hour later, I have it clean up, beads, findings and wire put in their proper places and all my scrap wire in the scrap tray.  Now I can finally get something done!

It's amazing how much of a mess can accumulate in such a short time. Back when I work as a jeweler full time, we cleaned up our benches every day before we left.  Now, with working a full time job, taking care of the house, family, friends AND trying to run my own jewelry business --- well, something has to slide from time to time. LOL  

My hours at my day job were recently cut back from 5 days a week to 4, which will allow me more time to create, photograph and list, and possibly keep my workspace in better shape.  Well, maybe!

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